Dynabrade Random Orbit SanderProduct Review and Rebuild GuideBy Rick Christopherson
Preface: This is one of the very first articles I ever
wrote, and it actually predates the existence of my website. Since the
time this article was written, I have bought several Dynabrade sanders
of varying vintages. After over a decade of hard use and even abuse, I
finally decided to rebuild the original sander that I owned when this
article was first written. As a testament to the ruggedness and durability of these sanders, with a simple rebuild kit and about 1-hour's labor, I rejuvenated my oldest, most abused sander to factory fresh condition. I got a complete rebuild kit from PhillyTools and at the end of this review, I will explain how easy it is to rebuild a Dynabrade sander. This article is also available in a printer-friendly PDF file. Click Here.
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Review![]() ![]() What is "Dual Action"![]() What is "Random Orbit"To achieve random motion, the sanding pad is allowed to rotate freely. It is this free motion that reduces swirl marks because the marks are more random than the circular pattern that the human eye can quickly discern. If viewed under a microscope, the loops shown toward the outside of the drawing above are tighter, and closer to being straight lines.What is "Orbit Diameter"The orbit diameter of a sander is how far from the centerline that the pad rotates. This is also called the "eccentric" of the sander. There are many orbit diameters, but the two most common are 3/32-inch and 3/16-inch. Generally speaking, smaller orbit diameters result in smoother finishes, but less aggressive cutting; while larger orbit diameters result in more aggressive sanding with less smooth results. |
Reducing Scratches and Swirls
The design of a sander goes a long way toward reducing the sanding
marks it leaves behind. Some sanders leave more scratches because they
are designed to be more aggressive, and this can be good, but other
sanders leave more scratches simply because they don't provide smooth
action in their components. The best of sanders will be both aggressive
in their material removal, yet still provide a smooth finish.The more random the pattern, the less noticeable the scratches will be. As a result, anything that hinders the random motion of the pad's rotation will increase the amount of visible scratches. For this reason, you'll never find a "pad brake" on a pneumatic sander. Not only are they not needed, but they reduce the randomness of the sanding pad motion, and therefore, increase the swirl marks. If your sander pad is not visibly spinning (free-wheeling) while you are sanding, then you are not getting the full dual-action from the sander! Electric Versus PneumaticThe primary reason why a good quality pneumatic sander will outperform its electric sander counterpart is the quality of the drivetrain. The majority of the cost associated with manufacturing an electric sander is in the motor itself, such as the copper and laminated rotor, with less money left over for the drivetrain. A pneumatic sander has a very simple motor, and therefore, more of the cost of the sander can be associated with the drivetrain components.For example, a typical electric sander has an aluminum eccentric flywheel and a simple 1/4-inch bearing between the flywheel and the sanding pad, and all of this is held together with a single screw. On the other hand, the Dynabrade sander has a machined steel flywheel (balancer) that is actually contiguous with the rotor shaft of the motor (this is the red-colored piece in the drawing to the right). Because this eccentric shaft is a single piece with the motor shaft, there is virtually no chance for runout or wobble in the output of the sander pad. Additionally, instead of a 1/4-inch thick bearing pressed into an aluminum bore, the Dynabrade sander uses a 5/8-inch thick bearing pressed into the machined steel bore of the eccentric balancer. The result is a dead-straight drivetrain. |
Size MattersThe Dynabrade is small--Really small! At only 3 5/8 inches tall, it is almost half the size of most electric sanders, yet has more horsepower. At 1/4 hp, only a couple of the larger, heavier sanders can compare. The reason why it is small with a lot of power, is because of the pneumatic motor versus the heavy electric. Your 300 pound compressor sitting in the corner is providing the power "remotely".![]() A rotary vane motor is kind of like the Wankel rotary engine made most famous in the Mazda RX7 sports car. Even though the engine types are slightly different, the primary concept is an expanding cylinder space as the rotor turns. Air enters the chamber where the rotor is closest to the cylinder wall, and pushes against the vanes as it tries to expand. On the exhaust side of the cylinder, the decreasing size of the chamber pushes the compressed gas out of the cylinder. FatigueIt doesn't take very long while sanding for your whole body to wear down and grow fatigued. It isn't just a simple matter of how hard you are working, but also the strain you are putting on your whole body while you sand. Part of this is exertion, but a significant portion is due to vibration and comfort. Because the Dynabrade sander is lighter than other sanders, the vibration is greatly reduced as the eccentric balancer rotates.Moreover, because the sander is not as tall as an electric sander, it takes less energy to control the sander. If you are male, you probably haven't spent much time walking around in high-heel shoes, but your wife could certainly attest that it is far easier walking around in flat tennis shoes than it is in high heels. Likewise, with your hands closer to the workpiece, it takes less effort to maintain control of the sander. Putting Your Money Where Your Scratches AreA few years ago when I was a magazine editor doing product reviews, I performed a scientific comparison of sander performance based on both sanding aggressiveness and the quality of the final finish. I built a motorized sanding rig that simulated the operator's movement of the sander across a test piece of maple. I weighed each test piece before and after the testing to determine how aggressive the sander operated. I also used a dissecting microscope to analyze and count the number of scratches each sander left behind. (I used to be a certified microscopist for counting asbestos fibers, and utilized the same statistical techniques for evaluating the sander scratch patterns.)What some woodworkers might find surprising is that some of the best known and popular sanders on the market actually scored the lowest in terms of both their aggressiveness and their scratch quality. As a matter of fact, contrary to reason, some of the sanders that had the worst scratch pattern also had the lowest sanding rate. But by a wide margin, the Dynabrade sander scored highest in both aggressiveness and lowest scratch count. This means it takes less time for you sand a project, and less chance that you will discover sanding swirls when you begin to apply your finish! ConclusionsA pneumatic sander is not for everybody, but as a woodworker grows his skills and repository of tools, stepping up from an electric sander to a pneumatic sander will be one of the most significant leaps he can make moving forward. When you are ready to make this leap, don't make the common mistake of buying a cheap hardware store class pneumatic sander and expect it to perform at the level you demand. The Dynabrade sander is considered to be the best sander on the market by most professionals, and can be found in many professional shops that run the full range from woodworking to automotive body work. Once you try a pneumatic sander, you will wonder how you ever got by without one in the past.
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Rebuilding My Dynabrade![]() I picked up a complete rebuild kit from Philly Tools and was surprised to discover that the kit includes virtually every component in a sander except for the cylinder and main housing. I was expecting just the rotor, vanes, and bearings; so it was a bit of a shock to open the bag of parts and find everything shown to the right. You should be able to rebuild a sander in less than an hour using a few common tools around the shop. The first step is to remove the sanding pad. Your Dynabrade sander should have come with a factory supplied pad wrench, and you simply unscrew the pad from the eccentric balancer. ![]() ![]() ![]() With the nut loosened, I rotate the nut vertical, which will pull up on the motor cylinder and loosen it from the housing. I then just lift the cylinder out of the housing. ![]() ![]()
The fist step in disassembling the motor is to drive out the motor
shaft from the cylinder caps. The bearings are press-fit into the caps
and onto the shaft, but not so tight that you will need an arbor press
to complete this. |
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